Just a day before the start of the new school year, the children from “Zvanche” Kindergarten in Smirnenski village, Vetovo Municipality, were delighted to receive a renovated playground. The project is worth BGN 50 000 and was implemented on the territory of the municipal kindergarten with the financial support of KAOLIN. For the children’s safety, the playground is built with anti-impact flooring, and the new equipment, made and installed by a local partner from Ruse town, guarantees fun games and lots of fun for the little mischiefs.
The donation was officially handed over to Mrs. Mehmedova - the director of "Zvanche" kindergarten, by Mr. Dimitar Angelov - one of KAOLIN’s executive directors, in the presence of municipal administration representatives, company employees, teachers and parents. The children greeted the guests and donors with artistic performances of children's songs and dances. After the festive part, the children continued the games and entertainment in the company of specially engaged animators.
This is the third similar project implemented by KAOLIN, in partnership with Vetovo municipal administration. In the last 3 years, with the financial support of the company, the kindergartens’ playgrounds in Vetovo and Glodjevo towns were completely renovated.
The KAOLIN’ management pledged support for other municipal initiatives as well, emphasizing the great public benefit of such undertakings. The company is the largest employer and the most significant social partner in Vetovo Municipality.