After the meeting, Mr. Wolf Harlfinger, CEO of Kaolin EAD and a member of the Board of GBITC invited the guests to see the deposit of quartz-kaolin raw material "Esennitsite" and the plant for its processing in Vetovo town. Representatives of leading German companies and companies oriented to work with partners from Germany, showed special interest in the Center for Dual Training of "Kaolin" and praised the large-scale modernization of the plant, undertaken by the parent company "Quartzwerke" GmbH. Mr. Harlfinger shared that the company enjoys a series of successful years, emphasizing that every profit earned is reinvested and remains in Bulgaria. The result of this policy is that today Kaolin EAD is an extremely stable company, modernly equipped for the future. Mr. Tim Kurt, CEO of "Aurubis" and President of GBITC, noted the long-term joint work that connects the company he manages and Kaolin EAD. "Our partnership with our Kaolin' colleagues is based on mutual trust and gained authority." As President of the Chamber, I feel proud that we have companies for our members that invest so much and have such an innovative charge. The country and the region are lucky with an investor like Quartzwerke." The German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce has been accompanying, supporting and advising Quartzwerke in Bulgaria since their first day here," commented Mr. Mitko Vassilev - General Manager of GBITC. "I am glad to see what large-scale modernizations have been carried out in such a company, with a long and rich history as Kaolin EAD, since it has been owned by Germany's "Quartzwerke". I am especially impressed by the Center for Dual Training in Vetovo town, whose implementation was carried out with the assistance of GBITC. The dual center is an excellent example of how the German model can be applied in practice in Bulgaria." We remind you that the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce has represented the German economy in Bulgaria for more than 25 years, supports the cooperation between German and Bulgarian companies and institutions and protects the interests of its members, by playing the role of their voice to Bulgarian politics, public administration and the public. The Chamber has over 500 members, including the leading German investors in Bulgaria, mixed Bulgarian-German companies, as well as Bulgarian companies oriented to work on the German market. GBITC is supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy of Germany.