KAOLIN Academy 2019

“Kaolin Academy” is an innovative approach of training for the company which happens in a conjunction with partners from the company “Equinox Partners”. It started with a specially developed 5 module program on a topic, called "Key Management Skills Development", which included more than 50 senior management colleagues from all areas of the company.

The idea of the project is to transform “Kaolin Academy” into a long-term program with trainings and courses, that contributes to the balance between the professional competencies (Hard Skills) and the so-called Soft Skills  - which are important for everyone's personal and professional development, such as:  effective communication, self-motivation and motivation, teamwork, people management, tasks and projects, taking responsibility, leadership, problem solving, managing difficult conversations and more.
The participation of the Management during the final fifth module added even more value to the basic idea of the project, namely: raising awareness of the personal role, responsibility and representation in the workplace, in the team and in the company.