For the sixth consecutive year this year, the DRAG Sports Club (
is organizing the traditional DRAG Climbing Vitosha Road Cycling Competition. The competition was held on September 15,
2019 and is one of the most famous road racing in the Balkans.
A Rusian man made his dream come true to participate in the competition thanks to financial support from Kaolin.
Martin Barkashki passed the 21-kilometer race track from Bozhurishte to the Boeritsa hut of Vitosha in 1 h 6 min 40 sec.
(at 980 m. ground displacement). Although this time did not reach him to qualify in the top three, it is still a great
achievement as it equals the time of the 2018 Men / Elite National Championship.
We wish Martin good health and future success in amateur cycling!
The DRAG Vitosha Uphill Challenge, as the competition is known, aims to promote active cycling activities and motivate
a wider range of people of all ages to participate in them. Both professional cyclists and teams can participate in the
race, as well as amateurs who are ready to take on the challenge of proving to themselves that they can climb Vitosha
with a bike.
Photos courtesy of Martin Berkashki! Using them to illustrate the material in no way infringes the copyright of
their owner!